360 Survey Assessments
Are you ready for some real feedback?
Our 360 degree survey assessment tools help you better understand yourself as a leader and your impact on others. Because self-awareness is key to good leadership.
What is a 360 survey?
A 360 survey is a learning and development approach that provides you with an opportunity to gain valuable feedback from a range of different perspectives – your leader, your colleagues, your team, and a selection of your wider stakeholders.
When is a good time to use a 360 survey?
For an individual: A 360 survey is a great option when you’re looking to stretch, grow and understand the impact you have on others through identifying your strengths, work-ons and potential blind spots. What might you need to focus on as you position yourself for your next milestone?
For teams and whole organisations: 360 surveys support leaders by providing different perspectives and valuable feedback they may not otherwise receive. They are often used to assist leadership teams in understanding their individual and collective impact, improving team dynamics, and building high performance across a business.
360 surveys are also a great support tool for building strategic learning and development plans based on desired leadership skills, capabilities and behaviours.
How do 360 surveys work?
You can expect to engage in the following process:
Get clear on why you’re doing a 360 survey. Support to understand why you’re doing a 360 survey and which tool is a best fit
Discussions and confirmation. We work together to figure out who is best placed to give you honest and open feedback. Agreed contacts complete the 360 survey online
A 1:1 debrief. CVL prepares your 360 report and you engage in a 1:1 debrief with a CVL coach on the contents of your report and how to get value from the insights (90-120 minute session)
Plan your next steps. As part of your debrief, you agree next steps for how you’ll use the insights from the report
What types of 360 surveys do we offer?
At CVL we offer three unique 360 survey options:
Leadership Practices Survey
Emotional Intelligence Survey
A tailored 360 survey unique to your business and leadership needs
You can find out more about what these approaches include in our full brochure below. To book your survey, contact us at hello@cvl.co.nz
Want to know where you’re doing well as a leader and where you can improve?
Download this helpful 2-pager and start your 360 survey assessment today.